Working for you
The good news is that while you focus on your clients, and providing an A* service, we’re working with our partners to bring new offers to the table that can help your business save money.

Cut your IT and communications costs
There are massive savings to be made by looking at your business communication, IT, mobile and energy provider’s costs. Our partners at Lily Communications can provide a free cost saving audit, review your current spend and tell you if you could be saving money – in fact 86% of their clients save money on their IT and communications services.
What have you got to lose?
Automate your repair reporting
Free up your team’s day to get the things done that really matter by automating your lettings’ repairs and fault processing. Over 4,000 property professionals use leading web-based software from our friends at Fixflo to save time and make life easier for themselves, tenants and contractors alike.
No more lengthy phone calls for you the agent, tenants can report faults 24 hours a day and in just a few clicks contractors can be contacted for quotes and booked to do the work. Agents have total visibility and control and the need for back office administration can be vastly reduced.
Faster fixes, fewer issues, increased productivity

Secure your business communications
Agents need to be able to rely on robust and reliable IT solutions. Lily Communications can keep your organisation secure from cyber threats and ensure your day-to-day IT services just work, so that you can focus on running your business.
Don’t leave your business open to criminals, a cyber attack can be very expensive!
Stay secure and sleep easy
Conduct your viewings remotely
Just imagine guiding a potential buyer around a property, taking all the time you both need to see each room without having to leave your office. No wasted time in the car, no pressure of being against the clock to be out before the vendor returns. Should the buyer register their disinterest straight away – no problem, your next property is lined up ready for immediate viewing without having to travel anywhere.
Our partners at immoviewer provide a solution to produce a fully immersive 3D tour of a property in as little as 15 minutes. The tour can be shared on social media, shown in real time via their platform, or even shown to clients in virtual reality instantly!
Generate leads, save time and grow your business

Out-source your viewing requests
Stand out from your competitors by offering a 7 day a week viewing and inspection service from Viewber, that even covers out of hours, and won’t be affected by holidays or weekends. Imagine the instructions that could be won, the properties that could be sold or let faster, not to mention the positive ratings and reviews that can be earned by doing so! Viewbers can run open houses for you, take still photographs and create 360° Tours, floorplans and 3D Dollshouses, all at the touch of button.
Carry out viewings and inspections anywhere, anytime
Outsourced Web Chat Staff
In today’s world customers want to be able to talk with you at any time of the day, but paying a member of staff to be available for this can be rather costly. With online web chat and call handling services from our sister company Yomdel there’s no need to keep your customers waiting ever again. We can install web chat directly into your website, and you can configure your phones to be answered even while you sleep!
Never miss an opportunity again.
The Property Jungle – bringing you more than just a website!